August 2 | National Night Out - Ada (click for flyer of events)
August 2 | Make Halstad Home Plate & National Night Out - Halstad

Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning. - Thomas Jefferson
We may not all have the leisure time Thomas Jefferson had, but we can still appreciate his love for enjoying life. Anywhere in Norman County you will see folks hard at play. Off road vehicles dot the landscape headed somewhere to do something - maybe to enjoy a ride down a local, county or state trail, check their deer stand or to check the livestock.
Winter is busy for cross country skiers, ice skaters, ice fisherfolks and snowmobile clubs.
After the winter thaw, it is time for horseback riding, mounted shooting, fun days, biking, hiking, some of the best catfish fishing around, camping, birdwatching, hunting, bonfires and more.
Year-round, there are gym facilities with scheduled classes with the largest facility being the Dekko Center in Ada, dance and tumbling groups, pool leagues, bowling, golf and more to keep you active.
For folks who like it a bit slower, there are many opportunities to join groups or volunteer time in areas such as quilting, Lions, Legion, VFW, Auxiliary, historical societies, car clubs, wine clubs, 4-H groups, FFA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Salvation Army, church groups, choirs, Bible studies and more.
In addition to the Norman County Fair, most of our cities have their own, uniquely theirs, annual festival.